The Eurolux Fleet System consists of only 20 concentrated universal pigments with which can be made more than 90.000 industrial, fleet and automotive colours.
The usage of only a few concentrated system components brings the stock levels down to a minimum.
The pigments are formulated to be compatible with a wide range of industrial and automotive coatings, while meeting each specific requirement of the end-user.
The system furthermore fulfills the customer’s requirement of “just-in-time” deliveries of a variety of quantities ranging from very small to large volumes.
The Eurolux Colour App is a very fast, easy and precise way to pick the colour you need. The Eurolux colourmeter is pocket sized and can easily be connected to the Eurolux Colour App. It makes it easy to identify the colour that best matches the actual colour of your customer’s vehicle or industrial object. Saving time and eliminating costly mistakes.
A chromatic color catalogue is also available. The catalogue is chromatic, which makes it easy to find the correct colour.
The pigments are universal, this makes it possible to use the pigments in the following Eurolux bases:
- 2K PUR HS Coating Matt
- 2K PUR HS Coating Semi Matt
- 2K PUR HS Coating Semi Gloss
- 2K PUR HS Coating High Gloss
- 1K Basecoat
- 2K Acrylic Topcoat Matt
- 2K Acrylic Topcoat High Gloss
- 2K Acrylic Topcoat Extra Gloss
- Industrial Coat (direct-to-metal)
- Alkyd Topcoat
- Epoxy Topcoat
- Floor Coats
The system consists of industrial recipes like RAL, British Standard, AFNOR, and commercial vehicle recipes like John Deere, Volkswagen Truck, Mercedes Truck, etc.